NIKSUN® NetTradeWatch

Tick-To-Trade Like Never Before

NIKSUN NetTradeWatch is a tick-to-trade data monitoring appliance that is specifically software engineered to address the needs of highly dynamic and complex trading environments. NIKSUN NetTradeWatch combines the critical capabilities of multicast data monitoring, determination of data quality, and deep analytics related to transactions for 100% visibility into the financial network environments, making it the solution of the choice in a specialized market.
  • NIKSUN NetTradeWatch offers complete visibility into trading networks infrastructures, market data ticks, and execution.
  • NIKSUN NetTradeWatch offers long term storage of accurately timestamped transactions to the nanosecond level, enabling auditing, trending, and planning.
  • With its independently proven lossless packet capture technology, NIKSUN NetTradeWatch produces reports that are complete, accurate, and represent actionable intelligence.
  • A single platform designed for the most demanding trading networks supporting data rates exceeding multi-Tbps.
  • Support for a wide variety of Market Data related protocols and automatic detection of outliers
  • Facilitates intelligent trading decisions with insight into the timeliness of market data information received
  • Track individual client order flows as they move through the trade process
  • NIKSUN NetTradeWatch has proven to have the best RMDS monitoring capability in the market today.
  • Exceptional capability to drill down to data that truly matters

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